Friday, February 8, 2008

ECRC * Week 3 Day 15-19

Day 15 - Hands on practicals

The beginning of this day started with hands on training with radio communications. These radios are about 13 inches long and 5 inches thick. They aren’t your typical radio. After that we were able to put our close quarter’s combat training to use. We cleared a building used for training. After that we were given a visual demonstration on how to stand an ECP (entry control point) at our bases. Last but not least, convoy training!

Day 16 - Convoy practical

The day started with weapons cleaning, lang navigation, and then we marched to he convoy preperation point. We were briefed on our objective of the mission, and organized our plan of attack (or plan of defense...). This evolution was about three hours was our first chance to be in an actual convoy. For training purposes during the convoy we were given blank rounds for the M16’s and the SAW that was mounted on the HUMV’s. We drove through a route that was setup for us. On the route our drill seargants planted IED’s, and had insurgents (the bad guys) with weapons attacking us. We needed to react in the same manner we would have in theater. After the convoy evolution our drill sergeants concluded the mission and told us what we did right, and what we did wrong. So that changes could be made in the future.

Day 17 - Motivation run

The morning started out with PT. This PT was special, it was our graduation run; the last day that we would have the privilege of PT'ing at Camp McCrady. After PT went to the armory to turn in our BFA (blank firing adapter) and our blue magazine (used for blank rounds). We then received weapons cases to transport them to outside the country. The weapons case has four locks on it, and you receive one case for each weapon. We also had an option to take just an M16 case for both the M16 and M9. Later in the day all of the students were mustered up into the training classroom to give input on what changes could be made to the training to better prepare us for deployment. At the end of the day we went to do more EST training.

Day 18 - Convoy training....again...

We mustered for chow around 0630, and walked over to the gym soon after for more convoy training. Later in the day we went over to the LNO (navy liasion office) to pick up our medical records. Classes were secured at 1100 and we were set free until Friday around 1200.

Day 19 - Last Day

Liberty was secured around 1200 to ensure that everyone would be packed and ready for the flight. Packing took around five hours for the most of us. Some of us took even longer than that. The average number of seabags (or duffel bags) we all had was four. Somehow a few people squeezed their gear into three bags. We are to wear our uniform on the flight, and we can bring one carry on item with us.

ECRC * Week 2 Day 8-14

Day 8 - Recovery Techniques

Monday was actually a short day. We did PT (physical training) @0600 in the morning and followed up on medical screenings after. The medical screenings were only to ensure you were up to date with all your vaccinations (i.e. smallpox, anthrax). After the screenings we went to lunch at the DFAC and mustered for class on recovery techniques. This class was given to teach you how to bring an injured person into a safe area or building.

Day 9 - M16 Qualification

This qualification course was on a similar range to the one we used on Day 5. The only difference was that we were able to see the targets a lot better. The targets were white instead of green, making it much easier to spot at a distance. After the qualification course we were taken to a location in the woods and given a map and compass. They told us to go find plots on the map, and find our way back in 2 hours. Some of us got lost...most of us didn't make it to all of our points on the map...and some of us just gave up.

Day 10 - Death by PP
30 JAN08

In the morning we had PT, followed with DEATH by power point! The topic was recovery of isolated personnel. In other words, how to make it through a situation where you might be taken hostage, detained, kidnapped, or you were just separated from your unit and how to recover from it. After lunch we had two more classes regarding IED (innovated explosive device), and cultural awareness. In the cultural awareness class we were given information on what to do and not to do in the country you would be deploying to.

Day 11 - Heavy Weapons!

On heavy weapons day we were trained on the M240, MARK19, SAW, and 50 CAL. After the heavy weapons range we went to another M16 range for a stress shoot and reflexive fire. The stress shoot was the same as the PWC for the M9.

Day 12 - Convoy training

PT was at 0500 today, followed by chow at 0700 and class at 0800. The training was on convoys, and close quarters combat training. The close quarters combat training was to teach us how to clear a building with the quickness. After lunch we were taken to EST (electronic simulations training) building. After EST we were given a liberty call brief and released to the world for a weekend.

Day 13-14
Liberty call, liberty call!